art by @ChelseaEMinty
The Sentinel
better a ghost than a human being
carrd template by cassiaslair.
In order to establish boundaries and what we are comfortable with, its best done talking it out. The only stipulation I have is that you are required to be 18+ due to my age.
I RP in discord and also RP in game. However, due to my timezone and lifestyle I prefer to schedule in game RP sessions in advance with discord being the platform used any other time. I like to blend them together as a way to help accommodate not only my schedule but yours to! I am chill about it and know that IRL comes first, always.
Please note, IC does NOT equal OOC. I am not my characters, so if I see the lines blurring, I will cut things off immediately. I also RP pretty much all themes but I will not write ERP for the sake of ERP. I am not against it, but it needs to make sense for the character, the story and the moment.
In terms of character relations, anything goes and I cannot ever say how my character will perceive your character as it will be up to them....As such I don't like to force things onto characters either as I like natural progression.
Hello! I go by the pen name of Mia and have been role playing for over a decade on forums and privately.
I am located in Western Australia so my Timezone isn’t the greatest (AWST/GMT+8), couple it with full time work and part time study, my schedule is like a roller coaster. However, I am patient and very dedicated so I will always try and make things work!
What’s the best way to contact me? You can either contact me in game or by Discord- Mia#9399
name. Belkas Evander Qinric age. 32 gender. Male pronouns. He/Him sexuality. Bisexual notable features. Heavily tattooed on his upper torso, many piercings. Most easily seen piercings are his septum piercing, ears, nose and snakebites. job occupation. Treasure Hunter and Investigator place of origin | home | affiliation. Ishgard | Dravania | The Glass Guard. family. Venna Qinric - Sister
Alois Qinric - Adoptive brother
Gervais Qinric - Adoptive Father
Ingvil Qinric - Adoptive Mother marital status. Taken by Lebreau Farron
Adventurous | Confident | Contemplative | Courageous | Loyal | Protective | Resourceful | Sociable | UnderstandingNeutral
Agressive | Competitive | Intense | Proud | Sarcastic | Unpredictable | WhimsicalNegative
Brutal | Calculating | Compulsive | Destructive | Fanatical | Fiery | Indulgent | Opportunistic
Belkas’ story is a long one, one that started well before he was born and unknown to his present-day self, he was born of the Trudeau bloodline. The Trudeau family is a longstanding bloodline that can be dated back to the first Elezen settlers and throughout the generations have played their part in various roles. Scholars, professors, explorers, soldiers, adventurers and even with their fair share of heresy tangled up in their name. Despite the longstanding nature of their bloodline, they were humble, preferring to simply exist and continue on with life while upholding their proud history.
But this one longstanding bloodline would come to a swift and obscure end.Documents on the Trudeau bloodline were quick to vanish, for estates to burn and for stories regarding what happened to the living quickly turning into rumour or being squashed all together. They were simply not to be spoken about, not to be referred to and while rumours of two survivors circulated, it did not go unnoticed. For years the survivors would be hunted.Who were these survivors? It was the mother of Belkas and the second survivor being Venna whom was just a child. To make matters more interesting, Belkas’ mother was in the early stages of pregnancy with him. But with these shrouded and obscured years, what memories that Venna held were hazy at best, faces unable to be picked apart, memories of her father missing and later as she grew older, even memories of her mother grew hazy, something that even Belkas experienced.However, in their years of obscurity, even if they were short, were pleasant, hidden deep within the wilderness of Dravania.
But living in hiding with two small children was hard, and those hunting them caught up, leaving traumatic and impressionable memories in the two young siblings. Yelling, the scent of blood, hiding, and searing pain. It would leave its mark in unique ways, haunted dreams, physical scars on the bodies of the children and a distrust for strange unannounced faces. And yet they were orphans, luckily found by one of the few quiet friends of the Trudeau bloodline. It was here when the two children horrifically injured, were scooped up and became a Qinric.The Qinrics were another known name, but for a different reason, they simply made their name known. Once from an Ishgardian merchant line, Gervais, Belkas’ adoptive father moved away from Ishgard. He wanted a different life, a change of pace and frankly missed the thrill that he had as a youth when he did his stint as a knight. So, he went to Idyllshire, to help in their cause of rebuilding but like any man who had a deep-rooted wanderlust, he eventually got swept up into the treasure hunting business. With a lot of determination, errors, and successes they established the Qinric clan, a unique brand of hunters that not only sought out treasure but investigations. To them whatever was considered a treasure to someone, be it a person or item, they would take on the contract. It is through this line of work and world that Venna and Belkas grew up in, and while Venna missed Ishgard and the few memories she had of that place, Belkas enjoyed the life that he knew. It was also as they were growing they had a third and last member of their family added, their adoptive father managing through this line of work to find love in a hyur woman, the pair marrying and bringing to the world the youngest sibling, Aloïs.Their youth in this period of life was peaceful, uneventful, both growing and learning in their unique ways and coming into themselves. But as Belkas got older, he started to pay attention to the strife around them. Having grown up in Dravania all his life and even being fortunate that his clan have built a rapport with some dragons in the area for safe passage, the war to his young eyes and mind didn’t make sense. In fact, it made him angry especially when any dragon was attacked without discrimination, it didn’t matter if they weren’t part of the hoard. So, when he was old enough he went against family wishes and decided to join the temple knights, Venna following close behind as she felt the need to ensure her brother will stay alive. It was an odd choice to join the temple knights, but both knew they wanted to try and show the world they knew first. As one can imagine, it didn’t go well, outcasts and oddities, no matter how well they fought. No one wanted to listen to their reasons or plights, so they changed tactics and after finding the right avenue, carefully slipped away into obscurity to join the heretics.It was here they came into their own. Venna was excellent at handling politics, but it eventually grew until she was a spymaster. Belkas on the other hand was an excellent survivalist and tactician with a sharp mind and eye, an asset to have on the front and to keep the soldiers alive. Both siblings had an air to them, one feared and one where people trusted without fault. They never faulted in their push for peace and weren’t above curbing those that were only there to cause harm. However, just when they thought they were getting somewhere, finally able to sit across a table with Ishgardian representatives, they found themselves locked in a room and negotiations not going anywhere.The Ishgardians were simply not interested in making a deal or compromise with heretics, they wanted to root them out. Belkas unlike his sister wasn’t subtle, and called it out, but the bluntness and sharpness of his words caused things to rapidly devolve. The siblings and the other heretics with them were attacked. Belkas doesn’t remember much from this incident, the adrenaline taking over. He remembers the distinct sound of clashing steel, magic and the white-hot pain of being run through with a spear, shield unable to be drawn fast enough. After? It came with a bright light and him reawakening in the camp. Or rather every time he would awake it wouldn’t be long until he passed out again from the pain, the fevers, and the blood loss.He was dying and begging for death.He couldn’t walk, he could barely function, left to die in a frozen camp far from home.His sister wasn’t having it so with her magic and some inside help, she would whisk him away and take a gamble. It was both an experiment and a desperate hope as she turned to her dragon allies. Seeing her desperate plight and understanding how much her family fought for them, her wish would be granted and dragons blood prepared and consumed. It saved him, her brother and her only blood family left. It was a dramatic learning curve for Belkas and not always pleasant, his sister seemingly having an easier time of it, but eventually he got his feet and his wings. Yet for a time and until strength would return, they would continue to lay low, only informing family they were alive when they knew it would be safe, or assumed it would be. You see, Venna no longer had her network after her disappearing act, so a lot of their movements were left to chance.When strength was returned and they were sure they were safe, they returned home, fortunate that their faces were only seen by the enemy once. Here things went back to normal, both deciding to put that part of their life behind them, wait things out and hope the war would eventually end. It was during this time that Belkas would get heavily involved in the family business, lining himself up to take it over once his father retired. And his sister? Well, she followed her own agenda. Her experiment was proven to work so she made movements to carefully work her way back into Ishgard, to marry herself back into it for security and to build her network up again.It was around the time that Venna married that the war ended and they were cleared of any wrong doings due to circumstantial evidence. It was also here that that Qinric clan really started to garner influence, their deeds, their skill and their name becoming commonly known in Dravania and Ishgard. They were quickly rising to the top ranks within the hunting community of Idyllshire. And while the past likes to dredge itself up now and then to test the temper and patience of Belkas, his life has gained a form of peace he didn’t think he would get. He was suspicious of it in the back of his mind and also restless as his lifepath went differently to the boyhood dreams he once had. But for now, he can’t complain, he is living a content life, his clan growing in number and influence alongside his clientele, becoming an uncle and generally finding his little slice of home.Yet he knows there’s more. He feels it.
Luden | The Glass Guard | Warrior & Healer combo | Close Friend | Husband to Crow | Highlander | NPC
Crow | The Glass Guard | Tinkerer, Feral Fighter & Explosive Expert | Close Friend | Wife to Luden | Highlander | NPC
Venna | No affiliation | Politician | Sister | Three Children | Elezen | NPC
Lebreau Farron | Wayfarers Circle | Healer & Retainer | Partner | Confidant | Viera
Farren Streiss | Wayfarers Circle | Friend | Viera
Erland Fellwesfv | ?? | Protector | Pack | Confidant | Viera